Draw Circuit Heart by ChatGPT[2023-07-14 15:42:26]

No rush, reach the final goal through iterations.

Steps of the iterations by ChatGPT:
 - Coding a p5.js program for a big heart and fill with circuit diagram in color red.
 - The code show two mistakes, one is stroke color should be white and circuit diagram is too simple.
 - Please use the image from“ https://www.hallmarknameplate.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/circuit-board-1.jpeg” as circuit giagram
 - Please display the image in the red heart shape only
 - Good, I need add a red edge with 5 pixels of the heart shape.
 - done

Detail process of ChatGPT
Final P5.js project
#Generative AI, #coding, #code interpreter



##BREAK##, ##LINK##http://google.com##LINKEND##, ##IMAGE##test.jpg##IMAGEEND##, ##YOUTUBE##QH2-TGUlwu4##YOUTUBEEND##

基本設計課一,Vray, SketchUp

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