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Multimodal AI: the basics多模態生成式AI
Let’s start with modes. Think of a mode like a human sense. You might see and taste a carrot, for instance. You would be able to identify that you were eating a carrot faster than if you had to eat the carrot blindfolded. You could also identify the carrot if you could see but not taste it. If it was not carrot shaped (eg puree) you might still guess it was carrot from the colour. But if you could eat that puree as well, you could get confirmation from the flavour. That’s multimodal AI in a nutshell. It’s a combination of different inputs, allowing the learning intelligence to infer a more accurate result from multiple inputs.

微軟新版Bing搜尋已注入GPT-4技術 識別圖像、複雜搜尋互動行為沒問題

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