Le Corbusier`s Architectural Philosophy[2017-04-11 12:12:43]

[1] 動畫簡介

[2] 柯比意基金會

現代建築代表 柯比意 新建築五思

1. 底層架空:Lift The Building Over Pilotis. The ground floor of the house, like the street, belongs to the automobile. Therefore housing is raised on pilotis to allow the vehicle’s movement or the green continuity.

2. 自由平面:Free Designing Of The Ground Plan. A building floor plan should be free from structural condition, so partitions can be organized in any way.

3. 自由立面:The Free Façade. The structure separates from the façade, relieving it of its structural function.

4. 橫向長窗:The Horizontal Window. The façade can be cut along its entire length to allow room to be lit equally.

5. 屋頂花園:The Roof Garden. A building should give back the space it takes up on the ground by replacing it with a garden in the sky.

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