當代藝術解決「查無此人」的困局:[2015-10-09 18:18:18]


英文:久保田 沙耶; 中文翻譯:施勝誠

Story of the post office that take addressee unknown feelings flow

寄 給愛人;給日後10歲的孫子;給癌症去世的丈夫;給11歲時回到天堂的兒子;給愛犬的祖父母; ...給航海家1號
To lover, to the grandson of 10 years later, to the sudden death was husband in cancer, To the son that has gone to heaven at the age of 11, to the dog grandparents, ... to Voyager 1.

The sound in mind, recorded the 69 letters that shakes the heart.

These are on a small island, Awashima of the Seto Inland Sea, letters were sent to the mysterious post office.

As the letter that has been packed in a bottle drifts the sea, Feelings I do not know the destination and even if they want delivered gather in tin-made drifting post office box. Its name is ''drifting post office.''

It is something you have revived the old Awashima post office as contemporary art.

And the letter is thought that it was hidden within the breast was spelled, elaborate Shitsurai as the Setouchi International Art Festival work, leisurely appearance of the time progresses Awashima ....

With tears, to the world to be healed somehow nostalgic comfortably, and invites people to read

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藝術家久保田 沙耶
2015漂流郵局在英國 IKON博物館

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